Upcoming Events
October. 24-27 2024 – Camp Perry, Port Clinton, OH
April 3rd-6th 2025
June 4th-8th 2025
October 23rd-26th 2025
Applications are now open!
Thank you for your interest in the Walleyes for Wounded Heroes fishing events on Lake Erie. First priority will be given to US Veterans who have received a Purple Heart and First Responders (Police, Fire, and EMS) who have been injured in the line of duty. All meals and lodging will be provided during the event.
For questions, please Call JoAnn 419-236-1035

Wounded Heroes are required to fill out the application form provided below.
WOUNDED HEROES – to apply for this event, please do the following:
– Read the Code of Conduct policy below. You will be asked to comply with policy when completing the application.
Staff & Volunteers
WWH STAFF, VOLUNTEERS and MATES – to register for this event, please do the following:
– Read the Code of Conduct policy listed below. You will be asked to comply with policy when completing the application.
– Fill out and submit the Event Registration Form
Our W4WH captains are the lifeblood of our events. Are you a captain that would like to join us?
Apply Today!
Event Attendees!
Not sure what happens during our events?
Click the “What To Expect” button below to learn more.

Why W4WH exists – Words from the water.
My name is Will Thompson. I am a combat wounded, medically retired U.S. Army veteran. I am also a chapter commander and Dept of Ohio jr. vice commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
I was invited to go fishing and asked to invite other combat wounded with Walleyes for Wounded Heroes. The event was AMAZING! The cathartic benefits of the event are beyond reproach. The ability for combat veterans to get together to bond and share In camaraderie without feeling judged by others is priceless. The Walleyes for Wounded Heroes goes above and beyond in making the veterans feel welcomed and respected. The atmosphere of the entire event is very relaxed and settling that is very comfortable for me which is very comforting since I have PTSD, TBI and high anxiety. All this was even before we went out fishing! The days we were out on Lake Erie were even better. The accommodations made for physical and medical conditions is great as every effort is given to make sure everyone can participate.
When I was there among my fellow veterans I felt more relaxed and slept better than I have in a long time. My friends and fellow patriots that served in Vietnam were given the welcome home that they never received when they came home and for me to witness the emotions flooding them was overwhelming.
I know that the fishing trip is one the talked about excessively among the veteran community and so many more want to be able to participate as well as the others wanting to return to recapture the feeling again and share it with even more friends.
I can not thank Joe, Tina, and the Walleyes for Wounded Heroes enough because it greatly appreciated what they do.
Yours in service,
Will Thompson (SGT)(USA)(RET)
Jr. Vice Commander
Dept. of Ohio
Military Order of the Purple Heart